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Week Ten Discussion Part 1

Week Ten Discussion Part 1

Q Practice Synthesis: Developing Connections Between Orwell's Time and Our Own To prepare for this discussion activity, you should first complete this week's reading. You should also review the introductory lecture and activity on the subject of the working poor in 21st-century America. In this activity, you'll practice the sort of synthesis that will be the foundation of your research-synthesis essay. You can use any ideas you generate in this discussion in your essay. You can also use another student's ideas as a starting point for your own Essay Three research and synthesis. Your Task *NOTE: Orwell’s depiction of the working poor extends from Ch. X-XXIII. PART ONE: Post your practice synthesis (25 points, at least 200 words). You will be creating a synthesis based on the subject of the working poor. Your post should have three parts to it: • Synthesis claim (1-2 sentences): How is the experience of the working poor in the U.S. today similar to or different from the experience of the working poor in Orwell's time? • Evidence from Orwell’s time: Find a quote from Orwell to support the relationship you described in your "synthesis claim." If it's a reasonably short quote, include the quote itself; if it's long, please just give us the page, paragraph, and chapter numbers. • Evidence from our time: Explain what you know about the lives of today's working poor that supports the synthesis claim you made. Summarize evidence from your own experiences and observations, the videos about Nancy Salgado and the Indiana Restaurant workers, or any other sources of knowledge you've come across on your own. *IMPORTANT NOTE: What you'll come up with in this practice synthesis is essentially the "skeleton" of an Essay Three proof paragraph. In each proof paragraph in Essay Three, you'll likely make a synthesis claim, and then support it with evidence from Orwell and your research. (There would be more to the paragraph, but these elements would be the foundation of the paragraph.) PART TWO: Read your classmates' syntheses. (There is no second post required.) I think you'll find it very helpful to see how other students have synthesized Orwell's depiction of the working poor with 21st century working poverty. Remember, you can use other students' ideas as springboards for your own research and synthesis.

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McBain and D states in their article that “The most recent reports from U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics indicate that 8.6 million people in the United States are among the working poor, a population whose formal employment does not provide sufficient income to remain above the poverty threshold” (McBain and D). The same can also be implied to Orwell’s times and how he depicts the working class in Down and Out. In chapter XVI, the author says that “Work in the hotel taught me the true value of sleep, just as being hungry had taught me the true value of food” (Orwell) and this shows how the working class were exploited and made to work rigorously often allowing less sleep.